Why not? Because just as good cannot be truly understood to the marrow
without a corresponding sense of evil, pride in one’s country — if it is
substantive pride, and not merely the rote, pledge-allegiance mouthings
of patriotic cliche — requires the sober knowledge that American
greatness is neither assured, nor heaven-sent. It comes to us from our
national premise and ideals — and our willingness to maintain those
things at all hazards. And if you’ve never felt ashamed for us for
having strayed from our core values in even the most appalling ways —
say, the wartime detention of Japanese-Americans, or a My Lai or Kent
State , or Bull Conner, or COINTELPRO, or life sentences for juvenile
defendants, or prisons-for-profit — then maybe you’ve never really
acknowledged what the actual stakes are for a republic, or how much
work, rather than platitude, is required to assure an honorable,
democratic future. Yes, you claim an all-encompassing pride and you
wallow in it, brooking not even a mention of anything shameful that
happens on our watch as citizens. But in fact, real pride is earned and
internalized only with a grown-up understanding that even a good or
great nation, while deserving of our allegiance and civic commitment,
can indeed shame itself. Saying so when it happens is a fundamental of
self-governance, as all dissent is a fundamental of self-governance.
-- http://davidsimon.com/doubling-down/