Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 158, Shelby Foote
Shelby Foote:
Is it true that you spend the whole day in pajamas?
I live in pajamas. Sometimes I don’t have anything on but pajamas three or four days in a row. If I’m not going out, why get dressed?
I’ve heard that when the third Civil War volume was finished and you turned it in, it went straight to typesetting without being copyedited.
So did volume two. I had a funny experience with copy readers back at the outset. They worship reference books and dictionaries and all that ticky kind of thing. We had a sure-enough expert for volume one. He complained that I was using the phrase “by ordinary” instead of ordinarily. He said, That’s incorrect. You shouldn’t do that. I said, No, I’ve heard that and used it all my life. He said, That doesn’t keep it from being wrong. I said, “Well, let’s look.” I opened the Webster’s unabridged and went to ordinary. Under it, it said, “By ordinary—Shelby Foote.” That convinced him.