Heartbreaking. - Sports Illustrated on Tuscaloosa tornado
Lars Anderson:
Three other towering oaks had fallen on the house across the street from Kelton’s, killing the three students inside. With nearly the entire Alabama baseball team standing in Kelton’s yard, the family of a female victim arrived.
Kelton approached, offering condolences. “Is there anything we can help you find in the house?” he asked.
“There is a white dress that we’d like to have,” the mother, choking back tears, told Kelton. “We’d like to bury her in it. Could you help us find it?”
-- http://cnnsi.printthis.clickability.com/pt/cpt?expire=&title=On+April+27+the+most+devastating+tornado+-+05.23.11+-+SI+Vault&urlID=453034562&action=cpt&partnerID=289881&fb=Y&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsportsillustrated.cnn.com%2Fvault%2Farticle%2Fmagazine%2FMAG1186008%2Findex.htm